March 2, 2015

And we're back...

Today our school community returned from our February vacation.  Between vacation and all the snow days, we were hardly here last month (which is reflected in the few blog posts of mine from February) but now we will (hopefully) have almost two full months of classes.

We continued our daily observance of Lent today by praying the Stations of the Cross during our two lunch periods.  Students and faculty were welcome to join me in the chapel where we briefly (so they could have time to eat) prayed the 14 stations.  We used the prayers/reflections from Creighton University which has some wonderful resources for Lent.

The Friday before vacation we had Morning Prayer at 7:30am in our chapel - but I missed it!  My car got stuck backing out of my driveway and it took me over 30 minutes to get it out.  Then I realized that I had the keys to our other car in my pocket so I had to turn around and go back home so my wife and children weren't stranded all day!  I had the prayer sheets in the chapel already so Mrs. Courter of our English department and Jacob Jones '16 prayed morning prayer together.  They are always so faithful.

Tomorrow our chaplain Fr. Richard Dion will be here for confessions in our chapel from 11am-12pm as he will every Tuesday in March.  All are welcome.

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